I had the privilege of being summoned to jury duty this past week here in New York City, my home for the past 45 years. The judge interviewed each of us with several relevant questions to determine our suitability to serve as jurors in the matter before the court. The Assistant District Attorney and the Defense Attorney followed with their own questions. Each sought to determine whether we could treat the matter at hand with an open mind – to wit that the principle of “innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt” could and would be honored.
When the Defense Attorney asked me if I understood that principle, my reply was “Of course, it’s the principle established by the Magna Carta in 1215.” That surprised him and he repeated “Wow, Magna Carta.” I was not chosen as a juror.
The wonderful part of this principle is that it puts the emphasis on prosecutors so that innocent people are less likely to be found “guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.”
The difficult part of this principle is that criminals can abuse this system. It is rumored that George Soros spent at least $40 million to help install up to 75 prosecutors who support his leftist agenda. Hopelessly weak Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg contributes heavily to the mess we now have in New York City by failing to prosecute all but the most egregious criminal activity.
Failure to prosecute criminal activity coddles criminals and leads to even more criminal activity.
Remember the “broken windows theory”?
Why don’t we change the law to read something like:
“Any person who commits a crime and acknowledges their guilt right away shall instantly be given one-third (1/3) of the maximum punishment and shall become eligible for parole once 1/3 of that sentence has completed.” This will immediately save the Court System and we the taxpayers both time and money.
“Any person who commits a crime and pleads ‘not guilty’ and is subsequently convicted of said crime – thus causing unnecessary court time and taxpayer expense – will automatically be given three times (3X) the maximum sentence with no possibility of parole…ever.”
Let’s put the onus of the responsibility for an individual’s actions back on the individual.
“We must reject the idea that every time a law is broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It’s time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” Thank you Ronald Reagan.
What do you think?
These are my thoughts on Criminal Justice Today in America on September 30, 2023
October 06, 2023
Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time, make criminals think of the consequences .This revolving Justice system is not working for the hard working people of NYC. Politicians should be working for their constituents, and not facilitating criminal action. Let’s make things safe once again for a better New York.